Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday Stories - Checking In

Oh hey guys. Sorry for the radio silence. I won't bore you with excuses. Life got in the way of writing.

I turned 31 and feel every day of it. Helping out down at Scout camp a couple of days a week has been kicking my ass. And I taught the Golf Merit Badge. And Jesus walking 18 is a effing hike.

And my Mother had her knee replaced.

And a beloved Uncle, who all of my virtual friends would certainly love, has been having some health problems that the Medics just can't lick.

And that really and truly blows. Cart could bust a bronc, birth a calf, slaughter VC with an M-60 and then an M-79, wire a house, hook up a goose neck on the first try, and was the best horseman this side of General Patton. Oof. Yeah, this one is smarting a bit.

That being said, Jackie is dragging my sorry carcass to Greenville for a couple of day. My fraternity big brother and his lovely wife live there. And they have a minor league team. And breweries. And historical markers. Gonna work on my head space and timing.

That being said, look forward to some articles from Pudge this week. Nice to have friends to pick up your slack.

Next week I'm gonna get falling down drunk for the 4th and hopefully do some writing again.

Thank y'all for stopping buy.


  1. Hey Mack;

    I understand real life getting in the way, I have cut back on my blogging because of it as well as passed up on Libertycon for this year. I hated backing out but RL got in the way. It happens, don't sweat it.

  2. You kids... Sigh... Wait until you're MY age and sound like rice crispies in the morning. Enjoy the trip, and have fun!
